Arabella De Mere


Skjoldehamn Ankle Band 2

About the Project I am always flattered when I am asked to make something for an elevation, and will try my hardest to do what

Bathilde de Chelles Band

This is my attempt to recreate a tablet-woven band found in the tomb of Queen Bathilde.

Quarantine Kumihimo Project

This was a featured project in the East Kingdom’s “Try” Athalon Project. So, you are stuck at home… ne

Monochromatic Twist Patterned Apprentice Belt

About the Band: This past Pennsic I had a discussion with my Laurel about our student-Laurel relationship.  She asked if

Brocaded Belt for the Coronation of Queen Vienna

This belt was designed for the occasion of the coronation of Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna of the East Kingdom.  Wit

Silk and Metallic Thread Brocaded Band – Detail from the Royal Mantle of Roger II of Sicily

This is my attempt at recreating the tablet-woven band used as trim on the bottom edge of the Royal Mantle made for King Roger

Snartemo V Band

Snartemo and Snartemo V Grave Findings The Snartemo V band was found in a late 6th century gravesite outside of Snartemo, Norw

Brocade Tablet Weaving Basics

Hi there!  Due to requests that I’ve received at Pennsic, I’ve made my class handout for Brocade Tablet Weavi

Silk and Metallic Thread Brocaded Band

This piece is a brocaded band created in a similar style to the grave findings at Birka dating from the 9th and 10th centuries

Hallstatt 3 Band

General Description This is a tablet-woven band which uses a missing hole technique where the center cards in the pattern are