Arabella De Mere

Embroidered Napkin Project

Now that they have been given, I can post about my secret DING from the other day…

A call was put out for someone to do an embroidery project… So I said, I am new to embroidery, but would willing to try… The project was to embroider two linen napkins (blanks provided) put in a basket, for a gift to the outgoing Baron and Baroness of the Bridge.

After doing some research into their personas, and consulting with the “Embroidery Queen” herself, I decided to attempt white work!

I found this white work embroidered table cloth in the Landesmuseum Zürich (Switzerland). So I embroidered a couple of the motifs generously provided here:…/1200-50-embroidered-tablecloth-zurich-…/…

I learned a lot while doing this project, and was able to try out new embroidery equipment! And while still a novice embroiderer, I think I did a good job at learning the new stitches, refining and maintaining consistency. I also think I did a good job making the backs tidy! lol!

Technical details:

Ecru linen with ecru DMC cotton embroidery floss, used split in 3 threads, used doubled.

Project dimensions: 
Napkins 17x17inches wide
Embroidery motifs 15×15 inches wide

Stitches used: 
Chain stitch
Open chain stitch
Interlacing stitch

Full and detail pictures included below.

Being SO new to embroidery, this seemed like a big project, and I’m proud of myself for not only making what I think turned out nicely, but for pushing myself to make something to be given as a present from TRM in a new to me artform. I am also honored to have been chosen to make such an important gift. Thank you for having confidence in me! 

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